{"type":"txt","text":"CUBEGEL","font_size":36,"font_weight":"bold","font_family_ko":"Nanum Square","font_family_en":"Ubuntu","color":"#ffffff","letter_spacing":0}
  • Company
  • Product
  • Community
  • Recruitment
  • {"google":["Ubuntu","Roboto"],"custom":["SCDream","Noto Sans KR","Nanum Square"]}
    섹션 설정
    {"type":"txt","text":"CUBEGEL","font_size":20,"font_weight":"bold","font_family_ko":"Nanum Square","font_family_en":"Ubuntu","color":"#000000","letter_spacing":0}
  • 기업소개
  • 제품소개
  • 커뮤니티
  • 채용
  • CUBE Person

    A 'CUBE person' refers to all members who have the ability and willingness to contribute to the organization

    and run for community goals, and strive to continuously develop themselves.

    A CUBE person is a person who values fundamental values and goals and puts them in their actions,

    and although it may be ordinary to some, it is special to us.

    Core Values

    Human Respect

    Organizational Goals

    Trust and Communication

    Continuous Innovation

    CUBE Person

    Respect people and

    genuinely care.


    CUBE people respect all employees as a single person.

    They also have a sincere interest in and deep consideration for each individual.

    With the belief that all achievements come from people,

    we strive for ourselves, for each other, and for everyone.

    Maintain teamwork

    that is voluntary.


    CUBE people do not separate their own achievements or their own team achievements.

    We value teamwork in which we voluntarily work together to achieve the united goal of the community.

    The job you are responsible for may be different, but the goal you pursue does not change,

    and the department may be different, but being a CUBE person does not change.

    Open communication

    anytime, anywhere.


    CUBE people communicate openly anytime, anywhere.

    Expressing your ideas on a rational basis, listening to others,

    respecting others and developing yourself through differences.

    Good communication means speaking confidently and listening humbly.

    Work tirelessly

    to achieve our goals.


    CUBE people work tirelessly toward a goal that they can feel proud of when they achieve it.

    Furthermore, we constantly strive to raise and improve our standards.

    We all work together to find a breakthrough without giving up on the problems we face in the process of achieving our goals,

    and the sense of accomplishment we get from this creates a virtuous cycle that leads to voluntary desire.

    Desire for development

    without any limits.


    CUBE people have a constant desire to rise.

    Without being confined to the limits of one's own capabilities, everyone works together to raise the eye level.

    Of course, anyone can make mistakes along the way.

    If you don't hide your mistakes and keep your promises, you can make your aspirations for progress come true.

    CUBE's unique personality
    CUBE's unique creativity.


    CUBE people respect and pursue individuality and creativity.

    We respect the individuality and creativity of each individual,

    and strive to make CUBE's unique individuality and creativity.

    It doesn't have to be special, it doesn't have to be original, it's not innate.

    It's not something you don't have or something you don't have, it's something you haven't brought out yet.

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    {"google":[],"custom":["Noto Sans KR"]}