{"type":"txt","text":"CUBEGEL","font_size":36,"font_weight":"bold","font_family_ko":"Nanum Square","font_family_en":"Ubuntu","color":"#ffffff","letter_spacing":0}
  • Company
  • Product
  • Community
  • Recruitment
  • {"google":["Ubuntu","Roboto"],"custom":["SCDream","Noto Sans KR","Nanum Square"]}
    섹션 설정
    {"type":"txt","text":"CUBEGEL","font_size":20,"font_weight":"bold","font_family_ko":"Nanum Square","font_family_en":"Ubuntu","color":"#000000","letter_spacing":0}
  • 기업소개
  • 제품소개
  • 커뮤니티
  • 채용
  • Organization Chart

    Organization Chart


    The production part is the center of CUBE, and each field such as manufacturing, assembly, inspection, processing, CNC, and electrical control gathers and works together to take responsibility for the production of CUBE.


    The R&D part is responsible for research activities related to the pharmaceutical industry and various R&D such as devices, materials, devices, products, systems, and processes for the advancement of CUBE.

    Quality Assurance

    The quality assurance part is responsible for all planned and systematic processes such as design, manufacturing process, shipping, testing, calibration and inspection to ensure that the quality required by consumers is sufficiently satisfied.


    The design part plans all structural plans to make various devices and devices rationally and economically, and is responsible for producing appropriate designs.


    The sales department is responsible for all processes that meet the needs of consumers, such as new project planning, after-sales service, and CS work as well as responding to domestic and foreign companies.

    Management Suppoprt

    The management support part is responsible for sustainable management such as business management, finance/accounting, purchasing, and human resources for an optimal organizational environment.

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    {"google":[],"custom":["Noto Sans KR"]}